Healed of Same Sex Attraction and Suicidal Thoughts

My name is Ronald Lathan. I was taken advantage of at aboutthe age of 9 by some of my peers and it led to desires, ways, and feelings I knew nothing about. I developed a sexual desire for men and couldn’t explain it.

I was also taken advantage of again at 16 and it also led tolow self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, and more because I didn't want these feelings and I thought that ending it all was the only way to get rid of it all.Even while knowing I was called and chosen by God. No matter who you are, the
e nemy will talk if you listen.

Once I met Bother Michael, we talked and we went throughevery single stage of my life, every encounter, every wrong, and every right thing. Once we got into the presence of God, he asked the Lord to divide soul and spirit and speak to me about these feelings. I heard the Lord plain as day.
He told me a list of things. For example, “Your identity is in me not in you”, and "If no one ever accepts you I do."

As we went further into the deliverance, he began to callout those spirits and command them to leave in Jesus’ name. This was the first time I heard the devil or a spirit audibly saying, “I’m letting you go.” Immediately I felt something leave out the left side of my body. The fire of the Holy Ghost
came over my entire body making me hot all over and I began to speak with new tongues in the presence of God!

A few months later the enemy began to try to detour me fromthe things of God through that same struggle, but it was a deception. I realized I wasn’t attracted to men the way I thought I was, but that the enemy uses the spirit of deception to distract us from the plans of God on our lives.

I was so unhappy and so depressed because I knew there wasmore God had for me, but now I’ve regained my prayer life and living for God to the fullest capacity. I now Know that there is freedom in Christ and he’s the only way!